You are not allowed to write to this folder. Choose another folder and try again.
The master directory block is corrupt. Sorry, but you must reinitialize the volume using the Finder’s “Erase Disk” command.
Problem during rename.
External file system; file–system identifier is nonzero, or path reference number is greater than 1024.
Not a Macintosh disk; volume lacks Macintosh–format directory.
No such drive; specified drive number doesn’t match any number in the drive queue.
Specified volume is already mounted and on–line.
The file is locked and cannot be opened for writing. Unlock the file and try again.
The volume is off–line. Please insert the volume in any available drive.
Error during GetFPos.
Path reference number specifies nonexistent access path.
Parameters don’t specify an existing volume, and there’s no default volume.
The file is already in use. If it is an application, you must quit it first; otherwise, make sure no other application has the file open. Then try again.
A file with that name already exists. Delete the existing file and then try again.
The file is already in use. If it is an application, you must quit it first; otherwise, make sure no other application has the file open. Then try again.
The disk is locked. Use the Finder’s “Get Info” command to unlock it.
The file is locked. Use the Finder’s “Get Info” command to unlock it.
The disk is locked. Eject the disk and move the write–protect tab to the unlocked position. Then re–insert the disk and try again.
File not found.
You have too many files open. Close some of them and try again.
Attempt to position before start of file.
Logical end–of–file reached during read operation.
File not open.
Bad file name or disk name (perhaps zero–length); attempt to move into a file.
I/O error.
Specified disk doesn’t exist. Please insert the disk in any available drive and try again.
The disk is full. Delete any unused files and try again.
The file directory is full. Delete any unused files and try again.